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Create a presentation

Hello! ()

Theme of the Presentation: ?
Language ? en
Description: ?
Keywords: ?
Download address: ?
url size
Archive name*: ?
Password for the archive*: ?
Price ($)*: ?
Bitcoin wallet number*: ?

You must be logged in to create a presentation.

* - optional parameters
Illustrations can be added after the topic has been created.

Your previous payment tasks:

Enter a theme name. For example: Animation of a female face, Model of a male body, Items of furniture, Items of utensils, etc.

A description of the download. Describe what the archive you downloaded consists of. Or what problem your materials solve. Or what difficulties you managed to overcome, etc. The size of the description is not limited, but about a couple of dozen of the first words will be shown in the main stream, so place all the most important things at the very beginning.

Select keywords for your presentation from the list. Or add your word, separated by commas, that is not in the list.

animation models human topology photo Blender characters 3Ds Max references Photoshop textures animal maxscript character cat biped editablepoly Maya

Add the archive download address to one of the file sharing services. Specify the file size, for example 48.00mb (or 2.3gb).

Name of the closed archive, for example:, elephant.arh, etc. The extension after the dot (.zip, .arh) can be omitted.
This name will be a request parameter from clients to obtain a Password for this archive.
If you do not need to sell, then this parameter is not required, the field can be left blank.

Enter the password for the Archive. The password will be issued to the visitor who paid the specified amount to your bitcoin wallet. The password will be stored in your personal account in encrypted form. If there are no closed materials in your main Archive, then leave this field blank.

The price of a password. Specify the price value in USD dollars (for example, 15.00). Payment for the password is made by the Visitor in Bitcoins to your personal Bitcoin wallet. At the time of the password request, the price will be converted into Bitcoins at the current rate.

Enter your Bitcoin wallet number. You can start a bitcoin wallet at

The presentation language is determined by the language you select from the top menu. If you want to create a presentation in another language, select it from the top menu. Using different languages increases the chances of promoting your Presentation. You can use Google translator to translate the text. Hello!