How to buy a password
To buy a password, you need:
- 1. Download the archive you are interested in from Presentation list;
- 2. Get Bitcoin wallet if you don't have one;
- 3. Top up wallet with required amount;
- 4. On the page Buy password enter the name of the downloaded closed archive, for example In the "Input name archive/task:" field, enter this name and click Submit, and in response you will receive the bitcoin payment parameters, for example:If an archive with this name is not found on the site, you will receive a message:This archive [xxxxxxx] does not exist
- 1. Send 0.00036463 bitcoins to QWERTYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYZ wallet ($10.13)
- 2. and then click here (I paid, give me a password)
- 5. After copying the wallet number (QWERTYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYZ) to the clipboard, transfer it to the 'Bitcoin Address' field on the payment page of your Bitcoin wallet
- 6. After copying the amount (0.00036463) to the clipboard, transfer it to the corresponding 'Amount BTC' field on the payment page of your Bitcoin wallet
- 7. Then make the payment by clicking on the 'Send' button. In this case, your wallet will be debited with an amount slightly larger than you indicated - more by the value of the payment system commission. You have to agree with this!
For reference: the minimum commission amount is approximately 2$, approximately the same amount will be additionally deducted from your wallet. Also keep in mind that the minimum transaction amount is approximately 0.0000546 BTC, which equates to approximately $1.5. That is, sending a payment in an amount less than $1.5 will not work.
- 8. As soon as you send the required amount (in this example 0.00036463btc) to the specified wallet (in this case QWERTYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYZ), you can immediately click on the link "(I paid, give me a password)". The script of our site will start checking the specified wallet at intervals of 20 seconds - as soon as the specified amount appears on it, you will immediately be given the desired password. Usually this process takes 1-2 minutes, but if the process drags on, then you can close the page and go to it later during the day - by specifying the desired archive, you will immediately be given a password from it, unless of course the specified amount is found on the wallet.
- 9. If you paid but didn't receive the password, contact the Site Administrator in the Chat on the Presentation page where you downloaded the Archive, tell the number of your Bitcoin wallet from which you made the payment, and your amount. I emphasize once again that you need to send exactly the amount that was given to you, accurate to the last decimal place. Any discrepancy with this amount will result in an error in the search. However, these errors are easily fixed.
- 10. For your convenience, you can use the '' test to see how it works. Enter this name in the request box on the Buy Password page and click Submit. Try to copy the wallet number and the amount into the clipboard one by one, make sure using Notepad that the copying is correct. Then click on the link "(I paid, give me a password)" - after about 60 seconds the system will give you a Password. You don't need to pay anything in this test case.